“It’s All Smoke and Mirage” — Signage for Smoke Free Sites

Posted on: January 15, 2020

Glancing through a list of common New Year’s resolutions (well, it’s easier than making our own!) we spotted that quitting smoking came in at number nine. And that reminded us of some work we did a few months back on signage for smoke-free sites in Wiltshire.

It’s now widely understood that,  “there is no risk-free level of exposure to secondhand smoke.” So it’s understandable that an increasing number of organisations in the UK are making their entire sites — including their grounds — completely smoke-free.

In our own neck of the woods, Wiltshire Council introduced a smoke-free policy for their office hubs at Salisbury, Chippenham and Trowbridge.  We were commissioned to install custom panels on the sites:

The same policy is now being introduced for other council sites including libraries, leisure centres, depots and community centres.

Statutory No Smoking Signs

The custom signage that we supplied for these sites complements their statutory no-smoking signs.

Smoke Free England has a nice straightforward summary of the regulations on statutory signs. Briefly, these stipulate that all public places, places of work and public use/work vehicles must display appropriate no-smoking signs. At the minimum, a main entrance sign must:

• Measure at least 21cm x 14.8cm
• Carry the standard ‘no smoking’ symbol: a burning cigarette within a 70 cm or greater red circle, with a red bar across the centre.
• Clear text that reads, ‘It is against the law to smoke in these premises’, although ‘these premises’ can be customised to the specifc location e.g. ‘this café’.

Smaller signs can also be displayed on the premises. These should carry the standard ‘no smoking’ symbol.

Mirage Signs can advise you on your needs, and we supply a range of No Smoking signs to suit your individual situation. Please contact us.



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